Jaltest ETM is the complementary equipment to the Jaltest diagnostics tool that allows you to verify the operation of the different electronic modules present in commercial vehicles.
This module can check the components in an isolated way, establishing communication with them, as if it were a control unit, confirming whether these elements are really damaged or, on the contrary, the fault is in associated elements as wiring, control unit, etc.
Jaltest ETM module covers a great number of EBS electronic modules (Wabco first, second and third generations, Knorr second and third generations or Knorr trailer control modules), ABS/EBS inductive wheel speed sensors and brake pads wearing sensors.
Jaltest ETM set consists of:
Additional cables for Jaltest ETM connection to speed and brake wear sensors can be purchased separately. Please, contact us for a compete Jaltest ETM accessories catalogue and price list
Additional information:
Interneta veikals- AutoElektronika